Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Missy!!!

Payton wanted to make her mommy a ice-cream cake and a feather pen! with a little help from her Grandma .. she did it!

Happy Birthday Missy...

you're so very special to all of us

and your more beautiful every single year!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

fun with the girls at church

Each Wednesday Natalie goes to church from 7:00 -8:30. This is a time each week the girls gather together to build friendships, do service projects and just enjoy being with other kids with similar standards.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I loooove this picture of Natalie

Values to live by.... I love this picture of Natalie on the top of this plaque is says

" Integrity"

I will have moral courage to make my actions

consistent with my knowledge of right and wrong!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A ride on the golf cart pleeease....

All the kids love riding on the Golf Cart.

Rick even had seat belts put on to be a little safer!When the golf course isn't busy.... we let them loose. This day we had
Alex, Jayden and Macie.

A picture speaks a thousand words! love it!

Friday, June 24, 2011

the lake house 2011

The Lake house was a lot of fun this summer. I was so against renting it... Rick was right we had a blast! Everyone loved it.
Natalie learned to wake -skate, I remembered how to slalom ski!
The kids all tubed and drove the jet skis ,
Long hot summer days!
The Lake is where to be!

Fun Fun Fun!!!

Brianna Carter going away party

We decided to throw her a party before she leaves..
What are some of her favorite things.... Beach ,sand,shells, flip flops & friends!

Rick & I have truly loved spending time with this special girl. When I think back
to all the memories.... it sure puts a smile on my face.
Things I love about Brianna????...everything!
Honestly , I love this girl like my own daughter.
Brianna and Natalie are more like sisters than friends. They have so much in
common. Even though we will miss her..... I'm happy for her... a great opportunity!
We love you Bri!
Forever & Ever!!!

Merrik 1st birthday

Merrick's 1st Birthday was held at a local park ,all the kids brought their bikes/riding toys and had a parade! Cute Cute Cute!
Katelyn had all his favorite foods and he loved it!

Happy Birthday !
Merrick had such a fun Birthday this year can't believe how fast he has grown.
Big Feet, Great Smile, Wonderful Hugs! Special little boy.
I'd have to say his favorite thing was the Balloon's!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Jonathon

Jonathon has had a big year ...... helping to open the new office for Chiropractic USA in the Villages and now opening a 2nd office in Leesburg . Last year has been hard working long hours and not spending as much time with his beautiful family as he would like . I know it will all be worth it. Jonathon is a good Chiropractor and helps so many people. I love it when someone comes up to me and says" I feel so much better since I've seen your son" !

Jonathon truly is one of the kindest people I know. Such a good father too! I think its great when I see his kids run to him as soon as he gets home from work. I know he is tired but still takes them for a walk, swim or..... the most embarrassing for Missy is probably when he rides Britton on the lawn mower around the neighborhood.

I love this boy very much.

Happy Birthday

Dr. Jonathon Craig Wise!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

fun pictures from Ice 2010

A few fun memories I don't want to forget.

We took the kids to ice at the Gaylord Palms.Rhea might look a little frazzled here but if you look below you'll see why. Actually we all looked like this...

we just needed a picture of Merrick and I think she looked the best! Just a fun afternoon out. I didn't want to forget!

Monday, April 25, 2011

General Conference/Utah trip

We went to Salt Lake City Utah for General Conference ! April in Utah..... Last time I was in Utah in April they had
beautiful tulips and all I wore were sandal's...
This time Snow and more snow!
The new conference center is just as beautiful as on T.V. Only much better in person!
Natalie invited her friend Jenna to go with us to conference.
Rick was able to get a picture of us before it started!

Jenna and Natalie they got a few days to hang out and ski, tube and swim!!Here are a few special pictures of Natalie.

L.D.S. Prom

The 2011 LDS Prom held at the country club in Ocala! Our church holds this event each year as a substitute for the school prom. The local High School proms have gotten so extravagant and crazy that we like to offer the youth in our area a alternative ! Everything was really special Rick and I worked hard and loved seeing everyone have a great time.

Everyone insisted on us getting our pictures taken.... I'm glad we did

Megan and Colton

Best thing for me..... We didn't have any clean up !!! Home by 1:00 am

Happy Birthday Katelyn

This year we all went to Universal Studios to celebrate Katelyn turning 24th years old. She and Rhea got to Ride the Rip Ride Rockit Roller coaster together! A special treat because they had me to watch the kids and at the moment neither one is pregnant.

We had lunch at Hard Rock Cafe with 7 kids !!! So much fun!

Great place to take kids because nobody even notices the noise factor!

Its hard to believe she is all grown up.... I'm very proud of the person she is today.

I hope she knows how much everyone loves her!

Happy Happy Birthday my sweet girl.

Happy Birthday Rhea!

Rhea birthday went by in a blur this year... 27 years old.

It was the same weekend as Youth Conference and she had 5 young men

that stayed at her house.

I think this girl is very special . A wonderful mother to 3 beautiful little boys. I have never seen her happier than she is with them. I don't think of her as a daughter in law.... Not at all!

Rhea is my daughter and I love her very very much!

Happy Birthday Rhea Clair Wise!

Way to go Katelyn!!!

One cold morning in January Katelyn run a 1/2 marathon! 13 miles!

She trained for this for a long time.

Something no one in our family has done before.

She decided she wanted to do this, made a plan and did it!!

Katelyn got second in her age level. Macie-Kate likes the medal she won

Way to go Kate!! Great job!!
Michael, Macie, Merrik were all cheering her on!!