Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Brevard Zoo

Brevard Zoo
Katelyn 6 months pregnant and looking Great!
I really enjoyed going to this Zoo  ... It was very clean, had a small train ,ice-cream, a kids zone and a area for the kids to work on stuffed pets. 
Dr. Merrik helped a sick seal today!!


Giraffes are soooooo Cool!

I'm not sure I ever saw a Giraffe ..  especially this close. 
  I thought this was very interesting! 
Natalie loved it too!
Macie-Kate and Merrik feed birds from sticks

 At the  Zoo you can feed birds... either nectar or off of a stick.. I choose the nectar which was a little crazy because the birds flock to you .. I like birds just not on my head!
Merrikk loves Animals !... 
Maybe he really will become a Vet one day!
Very Nice Day!
PS....  Macie kept asking me what kind of animal is this.....  I had to read the signs .. many animals I've never ever seen before!

Cookies with Payton & Britton

So much more fun to make cookies with the kids!!  I think they did a Great Job!  Payton is very serious about her cookie making...
 Britton just loves to eat anything sweet!

Ward conference. 2012

Ward Conference for 2012

was focused around 4 of the  8 Young Women Values!!  I'm not sure why I don't have a picture of Choice&Accountability!!

Here is a pictures of Faith,Integrity & Knowledge !
These paper dolls had a great time going to each ward for a visit!
The way our lesson went......I talked to the Young Women about Complete  Faith in the Savior , Sis Lugo  spoke to them about the  importance of Integrity, Sis Montgomery  increasing in Knowledge and finished up with Sis Santos  speaking about Choice &Accountability!! We started with a Primary song "Listen with your Heart"  I feel it was received well!   

These cute dolls are made of brown paper bags painted and a paper plate for a head with paper towel rolls for arms and legs....  Cheap ,Fun and Super Cute!



Missy decide she was ready to get the kids a dog....  she searched all over the the kind she wanted .. a BEAGLE with blue or green eyes.  After a long talk with Rick... him saying beagles are the worst dogs in the world...  she got two!!!  So funny...  well they are cute ...even Rick thinks so.   Like I said she did research and beagles are good with children.   Missy is crate training them and strict on NO people food.  So far so good! 
 Their names are Lucy  &  Tyson!!! 
Below is a picture of Natalie doing a little babysitting!!

I think this is why Missy had to have them.... look at that face!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Snow Skiing Canyons 2012

The weather was crazy in Utah..  I think April can either be spring -like or a snow storm.
We had beautiful weather while in Salt Lake !  We got to Park City and it was a winter wonderland!
It had been 6 years since I had skied...  only fell twice.. kinda icy.. but a lot of fun.  A few aches and pains..  Over all I think I did okay.

This girl is just so phyical.... snowboarding came natual and she loooooves it!  I expect she will be going with the boys when they go ..  I know she can keep up.
Rick loves to snow ski... and only knows one way to ski  FAST!!!


General Conference in April is so Beautiful !  I can't even explain the feeling I experience while here.  My favorite things to do in Salt Lake City...  eat lunch at the top of the Joesph Smith Memorial Building.  One piece of Coconut Cream Pie at the Lion House.  Walking though the Church History Museum.  Walking downtown and riding the Trac...  High Light always...  Conference .. Sitting in the Conference Center and the Spirit I feel.  I always come back ready to apply the things I learn .  I know if I can follow the council..
 I'd be a better mother,grandmother and daughter of God.

American Idol... David Archuleta!
He choose to serve a Mission for the church !!! Way to go David!!
My favorite flowers are tulips!! 
Every color you could imagine!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Chris & Missy

What sweet kids...  Annie, Max & Simon!!

So fun to spend some time with them.  They are really good kids!!

This is Anne with her American Girl doll getting her
              toenails painted!!  Bright Pink with sparkles !!

Sony Erickson 2012

We had a great time at the Sony Erickson
 this year..  Natalie got so many autographs !  Below is Rafa Nadal
the number 2 player in the world

 We got to see all the players up close!!  Such a fun family day !! Hope to go again next year!
Only thing missing was are friends Doug & Debbie!! 

Photo Shoot

This is Natalie with a little make-up and a flat iron!!  Pretty?
    We think so...But  she could care less..  her daily look is either horse pants &boots or
   Hair in pony tail ,shorts ,shirt ,& flip flops!! 

Cardboarding in Ocala

All it takes is a good size hill any size cardboard and GO!!!

Fun !!  Cost nothing!!  Great exercise too!

Girls Trip!

Missy Rhea & Katelyn had a great time in Las Vegas !! 

The spa looks wonderful... they saw a show ,stayed up late and got a picture with the boys from the show"the cake boss"  When I got this text I wasn't sure  who they were.... I couldn't understand why the girls had a picture with these men...  Now I know why ..  Rhea's favorite show!

So glad these 3 great mom's could get a way and have fun...  Must have super great husbands!!!

Natalie 14 years old!

Happy Birthday Natalie Ann Teets!!!  14 years old!
Natalie wanted to go Ice Skating for her birthday!  Skating and Cheesecake how  could it get any better???

Okay... Maybe one to many pictures but..... She is growing up sooooo fast!