Friday, January 27, 2012

Special Gift

My Special Surprise was a new piece to my Willow Tree Nativity Set.
Missy gave me the Angel!
I love it! Such a sweet and special piece..
Thank You Thank You, Missy! I love it!

Natalie's first trip on her own!

Natalie is Flying Delta from Orlando to Salt Lake City Utah!
She will meet her Dad there and spend a few days snowboarding with her
friend Jenna Johnston.
This is the first time she has ever flown alone!
She made it!!!
SO what do you think?? Slightly colder huh???

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pre-school Christmas Program

Payton, Jayden, Britton and Alex did a great job!! Britton had to go over (only once) to check on baby Jesus... Overall Perfect Performance ! Good Job!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2011 Grandchildren

This is the color our Payton is by the end of Summer... Britton's hair couldn't be any blonder soooo different but both sooo Beautiful!
Here they are... all 7!!!
If you look close you can see each personality...

They love to be together!
Jayden trying to keep them together ....Alex laughing and .. Look at baby Landon .. you never know what kind of look his will give.. can't wait until he can tell us what is on his mind!
Perfect example of " a picture speaks a thousand words"
Thank you Katelyn for taking these pictures .... I'll cherish them always!